You'll excuse me if I only use the name for the new expansion part of the game because for me, my Homestead and everything in it will always be Frontierville and I will determinedly carry on with that name like a good old codger should.
The graphics on the Pioneer Trail are just stunning, I love the little missions and I enjoy the distraction immensely... however... Just like being a burglar in J-Lo's house there's a real danger of a big BUT just around the corner.

The Trail is a side mission, an expansion, a diversion. It's the special features on a DVD or the cupholders in a car. To me the Trail is a Bonus Feature.
It's best played in short bursts, nip over, do a few things, do a couple missions and come home again, ready to take off to it again when you have a few minutes spare. It's not a book to sit down and read from cover to cover, its a gossip magazine to be picked up when you have to waste 5 minutes waiting for your sister to pick between all 97 pairs of shoes, or your mate to decide which brand of cologne is going to make him "lucky" tonight.
The problem is, because of how it's been released, perception of it has been altered. For one, the name change... What I play is Frontierville, and it has an expansion pack called The Pioneer Trail... but because of the name change people are seeing this new extension to our old game AS the game...

They're getting a backwards view on it. Instead of seeing it as Frontierville with an expansion pack attached to whittle away a little more of our precious existence in folks are seeing it as The Pioneer Trail taking to the fore and Frontierville being given the back seat, the supporting role, the Biden to their Barack as it were.
It also hasn't helped we've been bereft of new content for Frontierville over the last week or so. It's a totally understandable course to take, so much has been pushed out for the Trail to overwhelm it all with some new stuff on the Homestead would have been a little daft.
HOWEVER... here's the but again. By having no new content for the Homestead it exacerbated the feeling that the Homestead is becoming secondary. I know for sure new content is coming for the homestead, I can sit content in that knowledge, but other people aren't that lucky.

Because of the combination of the name change and the lack of missions we see Frontierville being marginalised, pushed to one side. We also then, psychologically, see the Pioneer Trail taking over at the head of the table... the only problem is, it doesn't have the oompahs to be the top dog.
I love the Trail, I love it for many reasons. But I love it as a game extension. It's never long into playing I itch to get back to my Frontierville Homestead and play a mission, ANY mission... Hell, by this point I'd redo Canning...
The Trail isn't long enough, deep enough or filled enough to be the main game, it's only ever going to be a side dish in our Frontierville feast.
But the problem is with everything going on how it is, folks don't see it that way, folks see this as the big kahuna, the top cheese, the Godfrontier... and it's almost damaging the game itself. Expectations are being put on it to be a GAME in it's own right, not simply an extension of one already here.

I love the Trail in the same way I love cream on my hot chocolate and apps on my iPhone... as something to add spice, as the cream, not the hot chocolate.
I fear for the game if people play The Pioneer Trail and think that it's the main game, I fear for it if new players do likewise. It just isn't big enough or strong enough to hold up main game status. So I can only hope other folks think the same as me, that we've been given a great add-on, a wonderful extension to Frontierville, but NOT a whole new game in it's own right...
...and Zynga? Roll us out some homestead missions will you?
thanks so much this was very inlightening for me
ReplyDeleteWell said Andy.
ReplyDeleteI agree ..What a wonderful way to express my thoughts on this. Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteAn Haney
Thank you Andy for that insight. I did see it as putting Frontierville aside and just concentrating on Pioneerville and getting frustrated at the same time. I will try to see and play it as a side dish. :)
ReplyDeleteVery well said, and I couldn't agree more!
ReplyDeletewell said, I agree
ReplyDeletei agree with you andy
ReplyDeleteVery well put! Gave me much pause for thought.
ReplyDeleteAndy..I take my hat off to you..you have put it all in way that I would hope everyone will understand.. I am really enjoying the Pioneer trail right now..but, Frontierville is still # 1 in my books... thanks to you, Esta, & everyone else there for all your help & might I add "patience" with us gamers... Onward H..or as Dale would have said..."Happy Trails"...
ReplyDeletewell said, and I totally agree with every little bitty word you said there! it is only a side game... come back players and neighbours ... your lack of visits is leaving us a tad lonesome onthe frontier. the Saloon has never been so empty. ~ Carol
ReplyDeleteperfectly said
ReplyDeleteVery well stated. I've had a number of FTV neighbors who are leaving FTV completely out of frustration with PT.
ReplyDeleteLike you said, its an add-on. Play it when you can and when you want. Thanks.
I came to the same conclusion a few days ago. I just run out of rations too quickly. I go to my Homestead and pop over to the Trail. Keeps the frustration down too!
ReplyDeleteWell said, and please, send us a mission or two on our Frontier...as I have said goodbye to both Farmville and Cityville..
ReplyDeleteVery well said and totally agreed! Frontierville is IT!!!
ReplyDeleteBravo! Very well stated. I love working my homestead and the game will always be FrontierVille. Debbie
ReplyDeleteCompletely agree with your thoughts. It is very noticeable that requests for Frontierville are not 'honoured' in the same way as they were before PV 'took over, and I hope that once more homestead missions arrive, this attitude of FTV being 'second best' will dissipate.
ReplyDeleteZynga allowed this to happen because they seem to have forgotten FTV. Anyone playing for a year should be at, or close to, level 150. When a player reaches that level there is no further movement and, more importantly, no opportunity for more horseshoes. They ley the game die and we were all looking forward to new challanges.
Right on Andy! What I don't understand is why they changed the name for the whole game. What are they going to do when they roll out the next trail extension? They should keep the Frontierville name, it would cause a lot less confusion!
ReplyDeleteI agree that the Pioneer Trail doesn't look like it has enough content to be a game in its own right. It hasn't even been out a week yet and people are already half way through High Plains...or even further for all I know! By this time next week they will have it finished and be at Fort Courage! Then what...?
ReplyDeleteZynga decided to change the concept, knowing that the side dish would not be consumed unless force fed.....there for the pushing the main dish to the floor to be eaten like a dog.... was the answer to the question how do we get them to play? well to play or not to play....ea just opened for consuption Sims Social a more personal game with neighbors and tasks and something to decorate.....So I wont be eating off the floor no more....
ReplyDeleteWell said and I do agree. but you know some people act like they HAVE to get their missions done first or really quickly, like they have no patience. Thanks Andy!!
ReplyDeleteTotally agree Andy. I think Zynga haven't done themselves any favours by renaming the game to the Pioneer Trail because it naturally gets people's expectations up. It makes me wonder what on earth is going to happen if and when they get the 3 other "coming soon" areas opened up. Are we to see a name change each time a new area is opened up?
ReplyDeleteI am definitely in the Frontierville camp (no pun intended!) and would like to see it re-renamed to avoid all the hoohah. Pam
clap, clap, clap.. well said..love FTV..
ReplyDeleteI found myself looking for the LIKE button all the way through your article Andy. Loved it in fact. Thanks for taking the time to do this blog for "all of us." I really appreciate you. I guess I will keep waiting for them to work out all the glitches. Frontierville is still my favorite all time Zynga game and if I have too I just won't go to the Pioneer Trail...that would definitely cut down on the frustration levels at this point. Thank you again!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Andy! Maybe this will serve to help the people who are frustrated. It's a lot of fun if you don't try to let it rule your life!
ReplyDeleteI finally had that feeling you are talking about today...that it is an extention...I waited a few hours to get more rations, played a little and went back to Frontierville. Thank you for explaining it as did.
ReplyDeleteI agree somewhat - but the "add-on" has destroyed the homestead experience. The homestead loads extremely slow now and tending anything is agonizingly slow, while the add-on is very fast. So Zynga seems to not have your view. They have renamed the entire game after the new add-on and devoted resources to it at the expense of the homestead.
ReplyDeleteI got the mentality meant for this game "extension"...but Zynga totally missed the mark on it in the fact that people WANTED A FULL GAME...THE SUCCESS OF FARMVILLE AND FRONTIERVILLE WAS BASED ON THIS MENTALITY...THAT being said...my only problem with the game is that it is indeed a separate game...NOT as you say an extension....if it were an extension..then you would be able to use the resources of the original frontierville....THIS IS NOT THE CASE...IT GETS MIXED IN AN UNREGULATED MANNER and JUMBLED UP MESS...some things are used on both...some not..this makes no sense...either make it a separate game or make the means to utilize the game interchangable totally...not half "assed"...the use of rations for energy in such a niggerdly fashion is a good point when so many of us have so much energy to use in the regular homestead...the fact that so many of us cannot even utilize the game while others are forging so far ahead has always been an issue with Zynga...it promotes disgust and frustration for so many people.....why is it that some get to play and others are always on a back burner and seem to be engulfed with all the glitches....I can accept that it is a "spur" if it was exactly that...but to me...it fails in both catagories..although it has great potential ...they should abolish these dang rations and let us play with one set of resources ..t
ReplyDeletewell said ....thanks for the insight!
ReplyDeleteThanks Andy, my feelings exactly. Looking forward to some new missions on the main homestead.
ReplyDeleteWell put...I have thought the same...and will continue to...good thing I have patience though:)
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't mind the issues I have with pioneer trail if I could use my Frontierville properly...
ReplyDeleteBut since its release my frontier is laggy, slow, glitchy and constantly gets that blasted internet connection... and I know theres nothing wrong with my internet connection or my pc power.
I will play the trail to the end, I will probably play it a few times, I like completing the collections, but Frontierville has had to take a back seat because it is unplayable at the moment. It takes 2 refreshes and upto 10 minutes to feed 60 Ox using the feeder thats how bad its got.
I feel that frontierville is being marginalised by Pioneer trail. People don't have the time or resources to play both fully. i am trying to keep up with FV, but it is very hard to get anything from neighbours at present. people seem to be prioritising PT, but that is to be expected as it is so new. Hopefully things will get better when the PT becomes more familiar.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who is bored on Frontierville and wants some missions I have plenty to keep them busy. I am the oddball in this. My playing time has been cut way shorter then what it was in the past so I rather enjoy just going to the trail for a few while I am on. However my homestead has become a wreck over it as I only have enough time a day for the trail. I enjoy the trail as it is simple. I dont have 20 missions still to complete at once on it :) As always I love your brilliant writing Andy. Thank you for the intelligent insight.
ReplyDeleteIn my Humble opinion, because Zynga have Not released any new missions on The Old Homestead, so many people are seeing Pioneer Trail as the Main Thing. If we had other missions to have a go at on the Old Homestead, people would not be flocking to Pioneer and then getting frustrated. I do agree with the point that if this is an extension, and not a seperate game then the energys and food stores we hold in Frontierville should be allowed to be used, even if a limit was set on how much could be transferred over each day. Having said all this, I for one am enjoying it, even with all of its frustrations,
ReplyDeleteI do see it as a side game..but with most people forging ahead..those with the glitches go nowhere..its a total non event for me...give me the old frontierville which is a great game.
ReplyDeleteI agree in the most part. I just don't think the game should of been renamed. They still have three "extensions" to launch... remember our signpost from waaaay back when... I agree we need something back home... One thing I wish they would do... and it is minor but maybe not. I hae requested this sooo many times but obviously not to the right people. STOP asking if I want to download this onto my computer. WHY on God's green earth with all the troubles would I do that? Thats why we play games on FB. Their server not my hard drive. They just have a great game with some glitches. I am scared one day I will accidentally click wrong
ReplyDeleteWell said Andy, However I do agree with other comments on here. If this is an extension to Frontier, then we should be able to use existing food and supplies as well. I think the graphics are great and it is a much welcomed change of scenery from the same ole frontier. Even with the much frusterating glitches, it remains to be my favorite game.
ReplyDeleteI agree..but wish the name Frontierville had stayed the same..I have always loved playing Frontierville & months back stopped playing Farmville % Cityville...Keep up the good work, Bless you
ReplyDeleteLiked and shared! Thanks Andy ;-)
ReplyDeleteAndy for President!
ReplyDeleteVery well put Andy, I was getting worried that the "ol homestead was going by the wayside myself, thanks for the insight. I was thinking it was an extension then with the name change got worried. I hope they don't change the name again with Gold Rush, Coyote Canyon etc, then it will be very confusing!
ReplyDeleteVery well said Andy! People have hidden and forgetten about those 4 little signboard posts that are on the main Frontierville showing us 4 different place (side missions if you please). I love every bit of this and I haven't rushed through any of it. I keep dismissing my helpers from building my Beaver bridge so I can get all the collectibles from this first part. Agree with you though - need a mission on Frontierville to keep my going.
ReplyDeleteWell said Andy.
ReplyDeleteI sure do miss my mission on MY homestead, hope to see some new ones very soon, It took awhile to sort things out but I'm really enjoying playing PT
many thanks for your in sights xxxx
Thank You, I think this was very helpful and it explains a lot about what's been going on here....
ReplyDeleteThanks again Andy, you're the Best :O)
Nancy Tondee
Your right Frontierville will always be:) Also play a little on the trail and go back home...Lol
ReplyDeleteThank you Andy, now I know whats going on, I will gladly play the expansion pack while I a wait my new missions on my favourite Game....xx
ReplyDeletety Andy for the insight
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly what I have been telling people and it's how I see it. Something do do between working on the homestead, giveb rations time to build up and now a lot of the issues fixed, it's pretty good. I really like it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your perspective on your blog! I was very enlightened and agree totally! Well said as always!
ReplyDeleteNow hopefully the message will get through, but I doubt it very much. Some people just read but don't absorb what is said and just keep their blinkers on so that they can't see the big picture.
ReplyDeleteI have been watching some of my friends burning rubber to get as far down the trail as they can. To them it's a race. But while they are moving on to each new part, they are missing out on the all important collectibles along the way that will enable them to cash in for the prize tickets we will need. Once you have left behind Beaver Valley there is no turning back
I pointed the fact out that the Pioneer trail was a side mission the other day and it got me in all sorts of bother with my friends who play because they saw my post.
I like the game so far the graphics are awesome i do not play the trail every day so my rations can build up, i send gifts every day, and I like to thank you Andy for your insight on this very well stated Hapy Trails to all.... M,O.
ReplyDeletemaybe it's the philosophical nature in me, but I swear that your comments apply to real life too! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Andy....I too saw it as a game of it's own and I'm thinking I didn't have time to play my other games and now here's another one. I now agree with you that it's like an expanision pack and it gives me a little peace. I didn't want to see Frontierville to go by the wayside. I've worked hard for over a year on my homestead and I don't want to see it lost in the suffle. Thanks again...
ReplyDeleteThanks Andy.. Very well said. I really appreciate Frontierville Express, because ya'll know what ur talking about.. I like the trail, it's something different to do when u don't have anything else to do in the main game.. Frontierville will always be #1 for me! I don't think Zynga should have changed the name, but who knows why they did.. And Yes!! hurry up Zynga and give us a mission to do in FrontierVille.. lol Thanks so much for this blog Andy is says it all. I hope ppl will read it and understand that the trail is "just an add on" for when u have a little extra time on ur hands..
ReplyDeleteAs usual Andy you put a good insight on things, I too was feeling that FrontierVille was being brushed to the side, and before I read this I thought to myself I need to tend my Homestead I have some pending missions I could be taking care off, and the Trial I'll play it as a free time bonus, I got myself wrapped up in all the hoopla of the "New Kid on the Block" I lost sight of what is what, and you set it straight, at least for me :)
ReplyDeleteI have been enjoying the trail, despite all the glitches I've encountered so far, what I dont like, is that after all these months of waiting, the Trail isn't even complete.
ReplyDeleteI've finished the High Plains part and now all I get is a road sign pointing to the Avalanche Pass and a Zynga message saying " It will open soon "...and we all know what "soon" means in Zynga's vocabulary.
And I totally agree with Andy. At least give us homestead missions so we'll, at least, have something to do,otherwise, many of us will feel its time to look for another game that is actually complete and ready to be played.