This will likely never be seen by the people that matter, but I feel I have to write it. I would be obliged if, should you agree, you share it... who knows, someone may find it who DO know these people.]
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is a hard letter for me to write, because it's something I didn't want to think about really. I love this game, and I want it to succeed.
The game itself has given me many, MANY hours of enjoyment, and allowed me to meet some amazing people who, Frontierville or not, will be around in my life for, I hope, a very long time.
But the game, as it is, is teetering on the edge of an abyss.
I only wish I was being over-dramatic, I have scoffed, I admit, at the more hyperbolic comments left by folks in online forums regarding the game and always thought it had enough about it that people would always want to play it. I don't think that any more.
The following will be tough, but I hope, fair. You may stop reading, you may just categorise me as a crackpot who doesn't know what I'm talking about. But I know games, I know marketing and I know the players, I spend my time talking to them, helping them and listening to their problems.
The fact is, you've made some serious errors in the game over the last 6 months, errors that will cost the game players, HAVE cost the game players... and will continue to do so as you don't seem to be of a mind to solve those errors, but instead you compound them, like a social experiment on the breaking point of gamers.
We understand glitches will happen, we understand limitations will happen, what we don't understand is why choices are being made that are actively, and expansively, taking the fun away.
Let's start with the missions. Quite WHY we are being inundated with the amount we are is something I simply don't understand, especially with the complexity of them.
This week we had THREE mission threads totalling 26 unique missions, 40 in all including necessary repeats.
Why? I understand you're keeping a plotline going, that you'll have some kind of list of "stations" on a railroad track somewhere plotting what we'll be getting to keep the story rolling.
If that is the case I'd imagine you have a Birth plotline coming in the future that will finally reach the end of what has felt like the most demanding pregnancy ever, and has led most players to wonder how on Earth Hank managed to "do the deed" in the first place without our help collecting 20 Barry White records, 20 candles and crafting one strong bed.
So, OK, I'll give you that one, the Baby Naming pushed the story on. But what about the others?
The Family Tree is disconnected from any plot, this get together could have been planned next week, next month, next Summer for that matter. There was no reason to place it in the game beyond "we've had this idea, chuck it in."
Equally the Prospect Falls missions could easily have waited, in fact it would have made more sense to occur once more people had got into the last set of missions in the Falls, so when Falls missions are slipping, something else comes to pick up the slack and keep our interest going in the new expansion.
I love cooking and cookery... and I know one thing for sure. Nothing is as bad as taking a basket full of ingredients and thinking you have to use them just because they're there.
It wouldn't be so bad if these were simple missions, but instead they are needlessly overcomplicated, stuffed full of depressing repeats, monotonous crafting and tedious waiting for friends to send crops or trees that are only available as free gifts. (I've gone into a diatribe about the awful nature of many of the missions elsewhere, I shan't go into it here as well.)
The missions themselves, the FUN of the game, are no longer fun, they are a chore, and a confusing chore at that. I'm friends with some people who are almost FTV-savants. They could have 10 missions on the go and always know what they need for which one and where they are in terms of planted crops or growing animals.
That doesn't happen any longer, you have done the impossible, you have done the equivalent of baffling Stephen Hawking with a maths problem.
They're confused, and people don't enjoy being confused. People like to feel they have some control and aren't just flailing around trying to grab hold of something enjoyable like a blindfolded Hugh Heffner in a ballroom of Playboy Bunnies.
Surely you know, surely you talk in-depth with the community people on your staff, the ones who connect with the forums or the support agents? You must realise that we are in, if I can veer into military vernacular, a Red Alert, a Defcon 5, a deepening and seemingly inescapable Afghanistan of morale.
Surely you're getting feedback and realising what we see daily... that the game just isn't fun any more. How many people are merely doing it now through a sense of duty or routine? How many are just doing it because the game has given them good friends and they want to keep connected to them?
Right now, as someone who works a fan page the negativity is soul destroying, remember we get it ALL day, other folks can have their 5 minutes writing a negative post and go play with a puppy. It's all we see, and it's worse because it's totally and utterly justifiable.
Mission releases used to be fun, exciting, something to look forward too. The admins would write the stuff up and know folks would be happy to get new missions and new items.
These days we know there will be apathy at best from a large percentage of members. You have somehow made the arrival of new stuff... depressing.
I honestly don't understand why, which may be the most frustrating thing of the lot.
Is it the marketing of so many wall posts and direct requests? If so I've explained previously the short sighted nature of that feeling, the turn OFF that 12 posts in a row will be to new members, not to mention the fact if players leave that will put quite a dent in that scheme.
Is it to try and slow down the people who pay horseshoes or cheat to complete mission quickly? If so you will excuse my French when I say "screw 'em". Let them rush if they feel the need and then let them understand boredom.
I can guarantee you that if you're fearing the "I'm bored" crowd will cause a mass exodus of players from the game then you are very wrong. The amount of people who would leave because of a lack of missions is a meager percentage of those being driven away by a lack of enjoyment, a crushing feeling of being overwhelmed and, ironically, boredom.
You know what's not really boring? Not having any missions so trying to catch up with badges, collections or Bulletin Board shorts.
You know what IS boring? Doing the same mission more than once. Waiting 8 hours to ask for something. Crafting the same item for the 12th time from something that is identical in use and name to something we've used before... but is "new" so none of them count.
If this has somehow reached someone in power, and if you're still reading, I beg this of you. Talk to the staff below you, talk to the people who run fanpages and have daily, even hourly (heck, minutely if that's a word), contact with dissatisfied players, a group that is becoming the majority.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, we love this game and are prepared to compromise, requesting, crafting, even repeating have their place in the game to some extent. But when even the most ardent of players dread the arrival of missions? Something has gone horribly wrong, the GAME has gone horribly wrong.
And all we ask is you take some time and think about what we're saying.
We understand glitches, we understand the game will have technical problems. What we can't understand is when the game has 'problems' placed in there specifically when 10 minutes on forums would show it to be a bad idea.
Take me seriously or consider me a mouthy jerk... Please talk to other people. Because I can say with almost 100% certainty, you'll find others who feel the same way.
Yours sincerely,
Andy Spencer
wow, I couldn't have said it better!
ReplyDeleteMaybe if we could get enough players to agree with this....they may change their minds on gameplay. It is getting old, why craft 8 of something...only to have to do it over another 5 to 7 times? It is getting old, and people are just giving up on the missions. I have asked for things for weeks and I'm assuming people are jut getting tired of the same thing over and over. I have added new frontierville friends, a lot, and I still don't get the help I need.
DeleteSpot on Andy, you could have been reading my mind.
DeleteThank you. I quit playing Farmville for the same reason, too many missions/quests.
DeleteThank you Andy!
DeleteAndy, you took the words out of my mouth. I loved the game.. but could not care less if I ever played again as it has become so boring.
DeleteVERY WELL DONE ANDY , thank you so much for writing this as I am 1 of the players about to give up on this damn game due to all the missions coming at me with 8 repeat's !!!!! on 1 come n ,.
Deletewell said couldnt of said it better
DeleteI think you just hit the nail on the head.. great job.
DeleteThank you very much Andy, you have made an excellent point and hopefully someone will read and take notice. Thank you for writing and saying what a lot of us are thinking.
DeleteReally it is way too much to do and why the repeat missions. I agree with you they are driving people away. Just trying to keep up is ridiculous. Hope they actually read this.
DeleteGreat letter - I couldn't agree with you more. I sat here this morning (I've been an avid player of Frontierville since it's inception - I used to play Farmville but it lost it's appeal for me) and thought I should just quit. I cannot get enough clicks even when I post because so many of my neighbors have quit. I was feeling depressed and that upset me. I'm thinking to myself - this is just stupid - it's a only game! Still haven't decided what I'm going to do -- depends on how these new missions play out. And, I hate Prospect Falls - I can't get anything done and feel so "left behind". I can't imagine how people are progressing so fast in the game.
DeleteSame here. I agree I cannot finish anything and will not do the repeatable missions. I click for my friends and if it would not let a lot of great people down I would quit the game.
DeleteI agree I love this game but to have 11 missions at once and many of them repeat is confusing also only being allowed to collect 50 gifts a day with so many missions is in my opinion unfair do you think they do this to sell more horseshoes
DeleteAwesome letter Andy, you said everything that I had already been thinking for months. Why would we want to repeat a mission more than once much less 8 times. I don't like the fact that I have lost game players or that they have just given up and quit clicking or sending gifts. I really enjoyed the game when missions were done only once and we moved on to the next new mission. It would be fine with me if they would go on in and eliminate the one we are repeating 8 blasted times (Granny, feeding the pup etc) The new addition to the Pioneer trail is terrible and will take months to get thru. Why would it take 3 times to build a building, why can't we find an easier way to get grub to feed the animals? Why does it take 5 grub to feed on adult animal Really, do they eat that much at once??? Why do we only get a few gold nuggets that only allows us to buy a few crops or an animal??? I have contemplated quitting myself a few times and I am thinking about it again unless they can correct these issues.
DeleteOMG! This is so much help to me and THX! ANDY!!!!
DeleteThank you Andy for saying exactly what's on all our minds... I have lost another 4 great neigbours this morn alone, who where all hardened players, not scared of the hard work, but as you said they say its no longer enjoyable......very sad :(
DeleteI have lost so many neighbors, it is almost impossible to complete any mission in a normal amount of time. I have played this game since day one and rode through your other adventures, but it seems to be far to much anymore.
DeleteExcellent sum up Andy i have stopped playing it was just too much asking off people and waiting as you said hopefully this letter will help the people still playing sadly i am not one of those anymore.
DeleteExcellent letter, Andy...sums up just about everything. I have about 50 neighbours and it is getting so hard now to get items and all the repetition that, as you said, this game is no longer fun but a chore. I used to play as a way to release tension but not it creates more tension than it releases. I hope the game developers read this and also the comments...and maybe they will wake up to the REAL world.
DeleteThank you Andy for saying what many of us would of loved to have said ourselves. Hope this is read by someone who will take charge and think of the players.
DeleteYour FTV neighbor,
I utter the same comments, thank you for writing what a lot of us are thinking
ReplyDeletewell done Andy
DeleteThank you!!!!
ReplyDeleteAMEN! I have 50 missions some from Halloween I cannot get through:/ I use to LOVE this game, now there is SO much going on AT ONE TIME I rarely play:( Keep it fun, active but not chaotic!
ReplyDeletewell said! I am, in fact, one of the original players who have all but stopped playing the game. I don't mind multiple missions going on, but what has ruined for me is having to repeat the same mission over and over and over. Plenty of other games out there to play. Hopefully they take your letter into consideration and make changes!
ReplyDeleteWell put Andy
ReplyDeleteI think that says it all for a lot of people. Well done.
ReplyDeleteThank you for putting in words what i myself, and a lot of my neighbours are feeling. FTV seems to have become a full time job - no longer a game.
ReplyDeletePerfectly presented and saying exactly what we all feel - enough is enough slow down or we'll find fun elsewhere!
ReplyDeletespot on my dear!
ReplyDeleteI agree to everything u have said and probably that is why I am not really excited about going into PT because I am scared that I will get yet another mission that will take be into the next century to complete (OK that is overboard) but still... Thanks Andy for saying all that and I hope someone at Zynga takes notice.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100%, to many missions and to much begging.
ReplyDeletethank you Andy....very well said....every word a word of truth. I'm so tired of what this game has become, I'm ready to quit myself. You are so right, the game is no longer fun. It's become a chore and I have enough chores in my life, don't need another. this is one I can do without. will be cutting it out of my life soon if things don't get better. xx
ReplyDeleteWELL SAID.I agree wholeeartedly. I started playing to help a friend. I am going to hate letting her down, but am sick to death of these stupid repeats,and needing a 100 of things. It doesn't make any sense at all. Keep on their back, and maybe I'll keep playing, but that is doubtful to last for long at this rate.
ReplyDeleteGet out of my head Andy Spencer! You have written the exact same thoughts I have been having lately. An avid Zynga follower for the past few years, I have recently quit Cafe World and Cityville and Pioneer Trail is next in the list. I am one who occasionally will buy horseshoes, but even doing that at 50% off to try to catch up a little would cost hundreds of dollars and still not put a dent in the remaining missions. Hear! Hear!
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% with Andy. Well done my friend
ReplyDeletewell said and all I can say is AMEN!!!
ReplyDeletewell said
ReplyDeleteI agree with it all and thank you for saying it!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree, i'm on the point of giving up it's not fun any more.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. I really hope this gets to the right people. Thanks Andy for putting this all in a letter.
ReplyDeleteWell put Andy and I do hope someone who is someone in zynga will read this and take it to heart.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you..some missions i'm not even doing them..i'm tired of those repitable missions mind you that i'm a loyal player since day one..i have a suggestion;why don't we make like a page or something with all the players that right are feeling bored or dissapointed with the game?..that way maybe they will do something to improve it..Keep up the good work
ReplyDeletei agree with everything you said too many missions especially repeatable ones have made the game seem like a chore its a shame .
ReplyDeleteBRAVO!!! BINGO!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree wholeheartedly. I have played since the beginning and the ONLY reason I continue to play is I don't want to let my friends down. So many people have quit that I feel obligated to keep going. I used to look forward to playing every evening after work, now it's a chore. Thanks Andy!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I used to really like this game...and now I dread it. I still play, I'm not sure why, I guess because I have become "friends" with my PT neighbors. Some of us share more than just the game, and I don't want to let them down. But it isn't fun anymore, it's a lot more like work...
ReplyDeleteThank you for taken time to write such an AWESOME letter on our behalf!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhile you are a bit wordy Andy, I agree with you. I've been playing since day 1 and have spent too much money on this game to feel good about giving it up but I am so tired of the repeatable missions and begging every 12 hours for items from my neighbors. I wish we could recycle & reuse all the items we have from old missions for the new missions. The new missions require too many "baby blankets," etc., for just one upgrade & then to have to upgrade 4 for 5 times more, just makes the game no longer fun.
ReplyDeleteandy, thank you for taking the time to express our feelings about this game. additionally, as terry just pointed out, we have tons of stuff in inventory that cannot be discarded or used. zynga has put out so many new missions but has lost the continuity to the earlier portions of the game. so many of the old creations no longer work.
Deleteexamples: the trading post has not changed items in nearly six months. it was great to be able to trade in the old stuff and get it out of inventory. it was a challenge to decide what to keep and what to eliminate. the detective agency is no longer functioning. we can no longer upgrade the orchard even though we keep getting new varieties of trees and plants. and why is lt. flintlock still standing in the middle of our fields? i was told he would be needed for a future mission. it just seems that more and more new stuff gets thrown at us without any continuous attention to the themes and threads of the earlier plot lines -- much as andy has clearly described.
as someone else pointed out, many of us play this game to relieve stress -- not to add to it.
I agree with you 100%! Thanks for putting it down so clearly.
ReplyDeleteOh....and why, if we have to repeat the missions so many times is it so hard to obtain the items needed to do so? It might not be so bad it redoing missions were easier to do instead of taking a week to do it.
ReplyDeleteThanks Andy, you have said it all, the games have become, boring, frustrating and tedious. After all, why do we need to repeat things so many times, even the most ardent of us get fed up with beg beg beg all the time, and the time lags between being able to ask are utterly ridiculous. I for one am not even going to contemplate the new prospect one, and after I have completed what is necessary to get the bicycle, to finish that stage off, I shall not be going any further with that either. Games are not fun any more, but I would like just to say, I for one really appreciate your page and admins, they are so helpful, as are you. Zynga want to wake up and realise that they are now driving their long term players away, and get new people in their departments with a fresh outlook on the games, make them shorter and more exciting and less tedious and stressful
ReplyDeleteWell said. I am one of the original players and am thinking of the next fun game to play. This game is not too much fun anymore because to keep up with it you have to spend at least 8 hours a day on it. Quit farmville because of the same reason. When it get too demanding and no fun,Time to move on.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree.
ReplyDeletePart of the fun of the game is the SATISFACTION that comes with completing missions. Thanks to the huge amount of missions recently, and the large number of repeatable missions, I can't finish anything and have a backlog of missions.
I have tried buying horseshoes, so that I could "catch up on my work" - but it has become impossible to catch up, and I can't keep buying horseshoes forever.
Since I cannot have the satisfaction of completing missions, the game is not fun anymore. IT IS A CHORE.
I am very, very close to quitting.
Andy, I hope Zynga listens to you and saves this game!!
Very nicely put. I used to play 20 to 30 minutes a day to relax after work and unwind and enjoy life a little. Recently I feel like I have more deadlines in the game than I do at work (And I have a LOT of deadlines at work). I love missions - just don't heap a ton of them on me so I cant say I don't have anything to do and don't make them all "busy" work that is just "do something hard then wash rinse repeat".
ReplyDeletemy feelings exactly! i do not even open new missions any more, i have so many unfinished ones! the amount of energy required to finish a mission is terrible (harvesting, clearing, etc.) that when my supply is gone from my inventory so am i. i agree this used to be fun, but has become depressing work!!!! PLEASE ZYNGA, PAY ATTENTION TO US!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTotally agree, Andy!! Well said as always. I love the game and love to play, but as you said...I feel lost 95% of the time. I would love some time to get caught up on the things we have going on. I don't even play prospect falls every day. I have kids to take care of, too. I can't handle all of the stuff going on with the game. For example: 3 timed missions at one time?? It's not necessarily the number of missions, but the requirements of the missions. I, too, hope someone reads this and makes a few changes. Thanks for all that you do, Andy!!
ReplyDeleteDon't want to rant too much and depress you even further! But...yeah, we're all feeling a bit swamped at the moment! Anyone who is still bored and whinging about "nothing to do" is either 1) paying horseshoes to complete missions, 2) has a bazillion neighbours and therefore no problem getting umpteen crafting items, or, 3)is able to spend all day playing, so can easily get all the crafting items. I'm none of those things...and i now dread every new mission! :-(
ReplyDeletePerfectly said. Enough is enough. I never thought I'd say it, but I'm seriously considering leaving the game because it's getting monotonous and it's just not fun any more. Let's hope the people who can do something about this hear you (and us) and make some changes.
ReplyDeleteThank you!!!!!! we can all hope this is read by someone that will realize what FUN in a game is to the players!!! CHEERS TO YOU ANDY !
ReplyDeleteSpot on!!! I have a full time job and it isn't this flipping game! I hate, hate, hate the repeatable missions and the current mission onslaught is wearing me out! A little down time to catch up on badges and clean up the "frontier" is relaxing...THIS is just taxing!
ReplyDeleteThanks Andy for verbally expressing what the majority of us players are feeling.
ReplyDeleteWow you said it all , exactly how too many of all feel and the numbers of friends that have quit and are quitting is enormous and so sad, the game is no longer fun. l pray that the higher ups see your letter and the comments and pay attention.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree!! I have now quit the game (even though I enjoyed it for a long time) - it just became way too time consuming and not that much fun anymore -- impossible to finish all the missions unless you have tons of neighbours and are willing to spend much more time than I am willing to --
ReplyDeleteThis open letter to Zynga is perfectly stated with the ongoing problems since I have played daily and given it up. I did get bored at times but most of all, the repeated missions with no accompanying reasons made it like Andy said 'work' and I don't come to FB to play games that require work. I want an escape from my daily drudge of work and not more from Zynga. I have moved on to Castleville and will not return to Frontierville. And if Castleville ever gets like FTV, then will most likely move on from FB. This is my truth and honest feelings and not a threat of any kind.
ReplyDeleteWell said! I do hope someone at the top reads this and takes it to heart. I've been playing FV since the beginning, also, and here's how bad it is: I actually keep a notebook on my desk to write down missions and what I need, etc. I NEVER had to do something like that before. It's insane! Alas, I can't seem to pull myself from the game...even though every time I log in, it's with a sense of dread about what awaits and how far behind I must be since I chose to sleep instead of spend the night requesting and snatching items from feeds as fast as I can. I love a good challenge, but for goodness sake, Zynga...EASE UP.
ReplyDeleteOh so glad I'm not the only one. I too have a note book and thought I was taking things a little too far having one!
DeleteI was doing the same thing with a notebook. I haven't played the game since January. I don't have the time to sit and try everything. I have lost MANY neighbors who just gave up. I want to start playing again because I loved the game. It just got to be too much!
DeleteThank you Andy, exactly what I have been thinking, especially this past week when so many new missions have popped up. I have had to quit every other zynga game to try and keep up with the pioneer trail with my limited time frame. I have considered buying horseshoes but with the glitches that happen frequently I decided not to. Hopefully someone in power will read your letter and the comments supporting it and respond appropriately.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree, and I think this should be sent to Zynga and all the comments. I also played because I enjoyed it, but the past months is ridiculous and I shall probably give up very soon. I do buy horseshoes, but only use them to finish unreachable mission objects. I feel developers work hard in developing games and although it is free to play, they deserve some finance, that is the only reason I occasionally buy the horseshoes. If I buy a game in a shop it's a cash payment. What they have done recently is to take an unfair disadvantage of us all. I started playing at the beginning of the game, preferring it to others. I feel sorry for the new players with loads of missions to do, as there is no break for them to even attempt to catch up.
ReplyDeleteSo well said. Thank you Andy - for this and for all the hard work that you and the other admins put into running this site and keeping us up to date even though your heart may not be in it some days. At the moment I am still playing everyday, but for how long I do not know. I play now in a desperate hope things will change and because I have made a personal investment in the game. I used to spend about £25 a month on HS so I could buy the nice bits and pieces, but when this turned in to HS just to keep up I stopped buying them as that's no fun. Would there be any weight in a petition, or us all writing to echo your sentiments? Where can we send these to? I don't want to lose FV/PT, I want it to continue, I want to enjoy it again!!
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts exactly! I wrote to Zynga this morning regarding the mining certificates that did not count last night....11 of them, then to recoup them, almost 50% of my clicks. I will not repeat any more missions I can play Pogo whenever & whatever games I choose. For $50 a year & no frustrations, price well paid. I've only been playing for under 10 months & I'm at level 188. I played a lot but I think it has come to an end.
ReplyDeleteVery well said! I have one foot out the door, and I have been playing since the get go!
ReplyDeleteI have been playing since the beginning and don't know where the he!! I'm at anymore. It's all too much. I quit Cafe World 6 months or so ago for the same reasons. It's just too much. Frontierville may go the same way and I can promise you one thing I will NEVER start to play another ZYNGA game.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, I can't even finish any of the missions any more because NO ONE will help because they need their rewards for their own missions. Plus what happened to the rewards for helping, I used to get one for help, not any more. At least if I got a reward for helping from the friends list I could complete some of the 18 missions in Pioneer Trail and the 6 in Prospect Falls. That doesn't include the buildings or mines I need to finish. Enough is Enough!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am in 100% agreement with you. I don't play nearly as much as I used to and I don't care if I finish missions. I am tired of begging for items. Having to spend time on the feed looking for things I need is a pain in the arse.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you! Started playing this from the beginning because it was fun, now way overwhelming. Thank you for the letter hope someone reads and adjusts the game back to where we can all love it again.
ReplyDeleteright on......every word! This is the only game I play from zygna right now. I use to play Farmville until the missions started. Country Life, Cafe, and others....until the programming became terrible. I still am at high levels in Farmville and help my neighbors, but I do not work it. I personally think Zynga wants Pioneer Trail to fizzle out so they can start on something new.
ReplyDeleteI have been playing this game for a long time. I whole heartly agree with you Andy. I have mission backed up to Halloween and still have the canning one also. lol I dont go into PV much any more. Most of my friends have stopped playing and the game is just not fun. Half the time it wont load up. Just tired of fighting the game. Thanks for you post.
ReplyDeleteAndy, you said that very well
ReplyDeleteI start to play frontierville since the game was released but i can't anymore. I stopped to play about month ago. No more fun, just crafting, asking, begging and all over again. Stil like this game and i hope zynga will listen what players have to say and i will play again my favorit game.
I could not agree more with what has been stated above. This game has gone beyond mundane and monotonous and down right repetitious in nature. What is more the shame is that we must in Prospect Falls collect items that must be used to gain something else. What a vicious cycle. PLEASE read the above letter and make some earnest changes or many of us will be forced to make our own changes.
ReplyDeleteI stand up and applaud you!!
ReplyDeleteI am one of those ones who enjoyed it from day one of the game but have been seriously thinking the last couple weeks that I am done with it. Today as I was posting my wants on the feed I really could care less if I was posting them. Barely did any of my "work" around the homestead especially after I finally finished one mission thinking "YIPPEE took forever but finally done with that" then look to see that I am in fact not done, there is another part to the mission and I have to craft more of the same things I had taken weeks to craft to finish the last part. I think I am starting to come ahead on something then up pops some timed missions, so I have to stop all progress I'm making in my other missions to do the timed ones. :(
Yep I think I am done.
The other part that bothers me about all the begging is that we can't really help our neighbors like we should. I have to either only help the ppl who post what i need or not get things that i need. It makes me feel very guilty and we shouldn't have to make that choice when we only have 50 helps a day...
ReplyDeleteVery well said Andy, but the developers just don't care about us. I think they are putting so much on us because they're hoping for horseshoe purchases to further fatten up their bank accounts. I have almost stopped doing the missions that have to be repeated. If enough players would do the same, maybe they will get the message.
ReplyDeletewell said, you couldnt have said it better. After reading this im going to give FTVa little longer in hope things may change, although im not holding my breath as zynga done exactly the same in mafia wars 12 months ago and things are no differnt now.
ReplyDeleteso maybe i wont be playing much longer.
bravo, Andy
DeleteI would do a Laola, if I could do it all by myself! You said it all! Bravo!!!!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. Add to the frustration not being able to request items from neighbors since December & zynga can't or won't fix this problem. I gave up today & quit the game after a year & half. Too many problems, glitches, bugs, begging & repeat missions. No fun anymore ... Boring & frustrating.
ReplyDeleteThanks Andy. I submitted a brief version of your letter on the feed back link with a link to your letter. I hope everyone who's left messages here will do the same. Zynga won't do anything if we simply complain to each other.
ReplyDeleteClick the support link on the bottom of your game then look for the feed back link on the top of the following page.
Well said Andy and thank you...you have spoken for so many of us, I just hope that the powers that be at Zynga actually sit up and take notice!
ReplyDeleteGood work Andy, no letter is lied. But evenso there is more than that. In the beginning ev'rything given as personal question was payed by the same for the giver. Now you only give. Even the counters of the gifts you've got and the things you take from the wall let things disappear into thin air. Me and my wife play both and more then several times the things I personaly asked her never made it to her post. So beside the fact that you have to ask things over and over again, the questions even don't come thru and if the come thru the things disappear. Insteat of joining us with the possobility to make and grow things they force us to overasking thinks. How wours can you make a game ......
ReplyDeleteThumbs up for you Andy !!!!!
a level 200 player here and I as good as sent in I am quitting soon letter to zynga myself if they did not soon recognize the error of their ways. This is the only game I play and I have played many and quit them when studity quests began inundating the games. Prospect Falls is the greatest mistake yet! The vicious circle of gold to plants to animals to homes, from wells to homes and mines for gold to do it all over again and the building and begging and limited nonrespawning lumber to do it all. Its work and games should be fun. So where is our paycheck zynga! Excellent well worded post Andy!!! You said a mouthful!
ReplyDeleteTYVM Andy well said...Please Zynga give us back out fun game....not this complicated mass of ????????
ReplyDeleteThank you Andy! You have you correctly express my feelings so well. One can only hope that the people in charge at Zynga will somehow listen to us. Many of my "neighbors" have already left the game and more are contemplating it every day. Their reasons are those you have mentioned in your letter. I also wanted to say thank you for all you have done for us through your site. Please Zynga listen to what the people have to say.
ReplyDeleteGreat letter but I am sure it will not get to the correct people....one told me he did a mission in 3 days with a lot of horseshoes so he said it is not hard...Horseshoes we are going to buy horseshoes to finish a mission they are nuts...I really hate what I call begging to single out people for stuff and to ask for stuff, a certain time you start it will be 2 hours to as again, then 4 hours then not till 8pm est.....you can only ask people for stuff once a day....with all the stuff we have to request singlely that is nuts......but anyways andy that is a good letter hope someone does read it in power and let it sink into their heads....I love it but pretty soon I will just do a single mission cause I love frontierville, I do not do Prospect Hills and never will...
ReplyDeleteThank you Andy...you took the words out of my mouth....I already have a foot out the door....just staying here for friends...I hate the repeat missions and the begging...and the time limit for asking for stuffs..etc...thanks again...
ReplyDeletei agree with everything, for the first time in over a year I have not visited my frontier. It was really starting to eat up so much of my time but i struggled on thinking the end was in sight how wrong could i be. Even with 50 clicks daily i was not getting near enough stuff. Mission after mission piled up and hardly seemed worth doing when the prize was a cow or something else rubbish. Add in the constant refreshes and hanging and i am sad to say that i am on the verge of jacking it in. As you said its not fun anymore but i have met some really nice friends who i wouldnt have met apart from frontier so at least something good came from it lol
ReplyDeleteWell said and totally true just hope they acknowledge this and do something about it and well said
ReplyDeleteNo one wants to play games that make them feel bad. People want to feel victorious, accomplished. I have tried to tell Zynga this for quite some time. Farmville, Cityville and Frontierville all have too hard and too many missions (or too little time to complete). All these comments fall on deaf ears evidently.
ReplyDeleteAndy well said, thanks for trying to make things better for all of us. I started playing with 3 accounts. Did Farmville, Cityville and Frontier, well the first to go was Farmville, No way could I keep up, Cityville was my favorite, last year was so overwhelmed with missions, population demands and expansions, I walked away from it too. High Plains took another of my accounts out, got stuck and after months of begging Customer Support for help with none coming closed that one out. Now I have 2 playing PioneerTrail and within the next week am sure at least one will close out if not both of them. When I do will never play another Zynga game, it should be fun. It isn't, it's too complicated and time consuming. Zynga destroyed it.
DeleteI 100% agree you are dead on Andy this is getting to be a pain in our butt and you couldnt have put it better thank you so much
ReplyDeleteI so agree. Thank you for taking the time to listen to the players. Zynga however WILL NOT, they never have and never will!!
ReplyDeleteAMEN .....
ReplyDeleteBrilliantly written and well said! I spat my drink out at"collecting 20 Barry White records......." lolz
ReplyDeleteI completely agree! Very well written Andy!
ReplyDeleteWell said, loved some of your humour in there, made me laugh as I too am ready to give up on a game that has just gotten to be way too much with all the missions, the repeats all on top of one another. Thanks for writing this and I sure hope they listen, because once you lose them its hard to get them back again, I gave up on Farmville 2years ago and have never returned, won't take much more of all this chaos to give up on Frontierville either :o(
ReplyDeletevery well written letter. Thank you for putting it out there and trying to let someone know who we gamers are feeling! Good letter Andy.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for writing this, I've shared it & hope the Zynga people see it & read it & DO something about it.
ReplyDeleteWow. Took awhile to scroll to post a comment. Can I make one suggestion after reading this? RESEND it with ALL these comments attached!?
ReplyDeleteWe have a group too, Andy, just a little over 200 members, and everytime they release new stuff now, I just want to crawl in a hole and hide.
It is so sole destroying now. Im watching people level 150 and up just drop the game. People who have always managed the missions with me, just giving up completely, or falling so far behind it will take months with no new missions to catch up.
As I said, send it again, WITH these comments attached. WELL SAID!
Yes, my thoughts exactly. I feel overwhelmed with missions, and would like a break....PLEASE!!!!
ReplyDeleteAMEN! The game is overwhelming!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Andy. Well said. I hope they listen. You are correct. This game is not fun like it once was.
ReplyDeletebang on but they do not care ......
ReplyDeleteWell said! and Amen
ReplyDeleteThank you Andy for speaking for me. ZYNGA please fix this before you lose your players.
ReplyDeletewell said Andy and a HUGE thank you. I am an original player from when the first released it and loved the game. Now it is a chore that I dread doing sometimes, repeating missions and not being able to ask for all the different items is depressing. Thank you again and I pray that Zynga will come to their senses. Thank you for being our voice!
ReplyDeleteAndy, well said, You are our voice and we couldn't have said it better. This game helped me through weeks of pain after back surgery It kept me busy and my mind off of the pain. Thank goodness it wasnt the game we are playing now. I have played Ghost town, holiday hollow, every side gam they have thrown at me. I must not be too stupid I have gotten to 165 by planting and harvesting crop along with all of the missions.But for the life of me I can not figure out the new Prospect game I have gotten to 200 but a lot of my friends are up in 600 -700. The repeated missions are Boring to say the least. Everyday I say I'm quitting like a lot of my friends have. The only thing that keeps me coming back is the desire to reach the top..........200. But now a lot of my neighbors aren't getting my requests for items that I need. They get them when I send them to their inbox but they can't get them when I post them to my wall. Sighhhhhhhhhhh maybe it is time to quit regardless if I want to reach the summit 200
ReplyDeleteThank you, Thank you! Your letter expresses exactly how I have been feeling for the last couple of months. When a game gets to the point that I have to write down what all I'm needing to request, then it's work, not fun. I'm so sick of these repeat missions, that alone is enough to make me quit. I sure hope the 'powers that be' will read and react to your letter.
ReplyDeleteThank you Thank you Thank you. I must say I would have to agree with every word your have said in your letter. This game used to be something fun to play, but now that they have made us repeat missions over and over again it has really taken the fun out of playing. Several of my friends are ready to give up on Frontierville. I am strictly speaking for myself, but I only have a few people that play on a regular basis, so trying to get a mission done once is hard enough but repeating it 3 and sometimes 4 times is crazy. And all this crafting is crazy, when you can only send out request's for items every 24hrs. Zynga needs to go back to the way used it used to be and make this the fun and enjoyable game it was.
ReplyDeleteJob well done Andy!!!!
I couldnt have said it better than that Andy
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Great Effort put in to this letter!
ReplyDeleteThis says it all. Zynga please listen, I am about to jump off of Frontierville for exactly the reasons Andy states, too much repetition in the missions, too many missions all at once, no fun anymore. Storylines all over the place. Can't complete anything because too many neighbors have already left.
ReplyDeleteBravo Andy, nicely done!
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with Andy's letter, but I have made a decision for myself....I'm currently level 116, so I have been playing for a while, but I am getting so frustrated and wasting time for nothing (no progress on missions) I am no longer playing Frontierville, prospect falls, pioneer trail or whatever new name they call it or plan on calling it...my health is already in bad shape and my family time is suffering because of a "lure" to play a game.. I'm done with it....sorry to my neighbors, I'll leave my homestead up for those who visit but I won't be on it anymore
ReplyDeleteYou have said it exactly how I would have. Those repeating missions are getting boring and decreases my allotted fun time. Hopefully, someone that does matter will see this and react accordingly. I know..in another world, huh?
ReplyDeleteWell said I agree completely......................I hope they will listen to you andy.
ReplyDeleteI have been a player since the game launched and the game is simply a chore and absolutely no fun anymore. I have lost many, many neighbors and refuse to add more. I quit playing Farmville last Summer for the same reasons I am about to quit this game. Begging and begging for items isn't fun at all and repeating missions is B-O-R-I-N-G! This game is overwhelming and much too time consuming. Thanks for expressing what the majority are experiencing, Andy!
ReplyDeleteYou are 100% accurate. The game has became a chore for me. I dread going there sometimes because I know there is nothing to do but wait and see if I get i item from a neighbor that I need. I do hope they will slow things down. It would be fun to get caught up and actually enjoy seeing how lovely we could make our homestead . You and the gang are appreciated very much .
ReplyDeletethank you very much for this letter. This is the same thing i feel regarding this game.
ReplyDeleteSo very true. I agree with every word written. I just hope they take time to think about it and do something for the better. Thanks Andy for writing how we all feel.
ReplyDeleteWell put Andy, you speak what the rest of us are thinking. You are our hero!! Cheers!!
ReplyDeleteIf Zynga doesn't pay attention and listen to it's players then what's it all about?
I have played since day one and it used to be so much fun, building our homestead and helping our neighbors. Now it's no longer fun but we keep hoping that things will be better. And not feel when a new mission starts "oh no, not another repeatable mission"..it's depressing to say the least. But yet we hang in there because of the investment of time and sweat equity we have given.
Thank you Andy for putting into words what I've been thinking for quite a while now.
ReplyDeleteYou nailed it Andy! One of the reasons I quit playing Cafe World and Farmville was it was becoming a job instead of being enjoyable. I hope Zynga wakes up and gets with the program before we all decide to up and leave. And thank you Andy and all the other folks that provide us with info and tips to help us along in this crazy game. We'd all be crazy without your help. By the way I'm skipping this latest set of missions. I have more than enough to keep me busy.
ReplyDeleteOMG so glad I read this before I got the nerve to hit delete for FV. I also love this game and would miss my neighbors but as you said this game has had the fun sucked right out of it. It is tedious and boring, worse than a job and no longer relaxing. I will stick around a little longer and see if anyone with half a brain listens to you. Thank you for fighting for us
ReplyDeleteI couldn't have said it any better. I really appreciate you Andy for being a spokesperson for all the rest of us frustrated players. I am coming really close to not playing anymore. I can't finish any of the older missions at all and I am tired of begging for the necessary items that are required to finish them. I have abandoned a couple of quest just because there doesn't seem to be any way for me to complete them. Once again you have expressed exactly what too many of us have already said. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteGood letter Andy, I've had several good neighbors leave the game in just the past week. They all cited "Too time consuming" or "it takes too long get everything I need as there is too much to obtain" So I hope "they" (Zynga) listen. "Happy Saint Paddy's" day.
ReplyDeleteGreat Letter! I absolutely agree. The game is getting utterly ridiculous!...
ReplyDeleteAndy, you voiced my feelings extremely accurately. I started playing at the beginning and I love this game,but I can't even remember what I need to collect(there is just so much I actually make notes to try to get the items I need most and then I feel guilty because I can't help neighbors with their needs. I don't like the crafting but I am willing to craft something once maybe twice but you have to craft 7 of something and then --and then-- you have to repeat the thing again. ZYNGA! please pay attention to your feedback!
ReplyDeleteI'll add me KUDOS to you, Andy!! I am on the verge of leaving also. And I don't know if anyone mentioned the boatload of useless crap sitting in my giftbox that can't be sold or otherwise deleted!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG you took these words straight from my brain. Or maybe when I was banging my head on my computer desk they popped out. I cannot agree more with this well crafted plea for help. Less than 50% of my Trail neighbours have moved over to Prospect Falls so it is extremely frustrating to try and clear the backlog of missions that I now have. Don't get me started on "repeat until we tell you to stop" missions they are so soul sucking annoying almost like a Dickensian work house. Like most long time players we want it to be fun first and a joy to share with neighbours second but now I feel as if I am a burden to my neighbours asking for stuff for missions they have already finished. Thanks Andy for showing us that "We are not alone".
ReplyDeleteSplendid Andy. You said exactly what many players who have been playing for a year or more are thinking. Now, if only Zynga, will hear and understand we like missions -- not so many that we are overwhelm, not so many repeatable missions, and listen to the fact we have to ask and beg and use our rewards up within 2 hours. Thanks again Andy -- well said.
ReplyDeleteWell Said! Thank You for writing this. I also wrote Zynga, and spoke to online support and requested my comments be sent to game developers. I used to play anywhere from
ReplyDelete8 - 12 hrs a day. Now I kinda dread signing in....more of a chore than a relaxing game.
THANK YOU ANDY !!!! I completely agree!
ReplyDeleteYou said it all....I feel the same way...I have quit FV and was high in the levels in it....I thought that I would never quit it, but when they started having different farms it just got to be too time consuming and mind boggling, Zynga took the fun out of the game when they added the quests to it....FTV is following in the same path, too many missions too fast and I hate the repeatable missions...I just quit them and never finish them.....also, why cant there be a way to delete the mission if you decide not to finish it or cant finish it? Wish they would put an option to where you could quit one if you chose to....
ReplyDeleteWell said Andy. I'm on the verge of quitting . It's a chore now to play this. Many of my friends have left & many missions never get finished. I never seem to get caught up! Hope Zynga sees the light & brings back the enjoyment of playing & accomplishment of getting ahead.
ReplyDeleteThanks Andy, for articulating so well the many frustrations of some dedicated players. I have been a player pretty much since the beginning and I must say, it is becoming too much of a chore and not fun anymore. I truly stay because of the friends I have made playing this game. It is becoming a full-time job just to keep up. I sure hope this finds its way into the right hands and that they seriously consider "the players" when evaluating the game going forward. Well said...like all of your letters!
ReplyDeleteI work in a company that writes software. I have recently been on a course on SCRUM that is all about methods in software development. There we were told that user stories are what a company needs to listen to - the "I would like to see ... in this software because it would ...". If the market doesn't like your software it won't "fly". So - start collecting user stories Zynga - then you'll have a real winner in your hands...
ReplyDeleteIn order to keep playing (?) I chose to not do the last 4 timed missions that occurred within the last 2 weeks. I also I am choosing not to do the Prospect Falls at all. I have noticed that once the treks are completed (Haunted or Holiday or Fort Courage)the game returns back to normal with no mention of them again. hmmmmmm.....I know I am only a Level 188 player, but I do have a pretty good grasp of the game. I also understand that zyngas only intention is the selling and subsequent collecting of horseshoes. I also found the FORBES article very telling indeed. For what it is worth, I have gone from playing about 8 hours a day, to 2 hours. The fun is gone. Is it time ti hit the trail??
ReplyDeleteWell written Andy. I know a lot of people who have quit the game because it has become so tedious. Like you said... you can continue to give us an array of missions to complete, but why not pace it at a rate that we can enjoy it... as one is about to be completed, entice us with a new one. Keep up the excellent work Andy! Hopefully someone will take notice and realize that you are trying to help Zynga!
ReplyDeleteAMEN! I don't think ANYONE could have said it better!!! Way to go Andy ! And thank you for taking the time to send such a well written letter on all of our behalves.
ReplyDeleteYou have expressed my feelings so well. I am at the point of saying good bye to a game I really use to like. I do hope your letter is taken to heart by those in charge.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Andy, for having the courage to say what the majority of us are feeling! Very well written! I have been playing from the start, but am very close to quitting! (As have most of my PT neighbors already!) I concur- Zynga needs to STOP repeatable missions; and STOP requiring us to request so much from our neighbors- it's extremely difficult to complete the missions when only a small percentage of people send the items requested. Having to wait way too long to post requests, etc. is unbelievable as well! If Zynga really truly values their players- they will take notice and fix this game! If they don't- a mass exodus is on the near horizon!
ReplyDeleteYour right I can't get my neighbors to send when u ask for the same thing over and over. I've been trying to finish the task that u had to do mission 9 and 10 , 4 times and I can't get the stuff to make cookies and molten. I am so sick of repeats over and over. You said it better then anyone could.
ReplyDeleteI have been here from the onset of Farmville but swayed to Frontierville by the excitement of history at it's best. This has become a chore not worthy of Louis L' Amour. These Missions are definitely ruining the game. Andy puts into words exactly what I as a dedicated player feel. This past week has caused turmoil within and the decision of calling it quits. Yes, I feel kinship with all players who have friended and gifted me with sacrifice of their own. I have 'clicked' items not needed, just to help them. Please listen to us! The game is sliding and we are starting to make decisions against Zynga and all they began.
ReplyDeleteLove the game!! Been here since day one. But, I find myself slowly backing away from it. I'm tired of posting for an item to craft over and over again. Andy, TY so much for putting the ppls thoughts and feelings about this game in a letter. UNITED WE STAND!!
ReplyDeleteWell said...I have just about given up on this game and only help out friends that post but rarely do I bother to go to the game myself anymore...can't keep up with the missions/quests, takes forever to load and I don't have that much time to waste in a day...it is no longer enjoyable for me...to much like work!!!
ReplyDeleteI sure hope someone at Zygna receives this wonderful letter. It is how we all feel. I play because of my neighbors like you said. Some of us have been friends for a long time. Andy thank you and your staff for understanding and going to bat for us. Ypu and the others at Frontierville Express are so awesome. Thank you again. I know you are there if we need you:)
ReplyDeleteThank you Andy, this is great and I hope they hear what we are all trying to tell them. I love the game but as you said it has become a chore that is no longer fun.
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing this letter. Zynga please listen to the people who play this games. Enough is enough. Let us complete some of these missions before throwing out more. Limit the amount of things we need to ask for. No timed mission no repeat mission is min amount of stuff. PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR PLAYER or lose them.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU ANDY...for being the VOICE of CHOICE>>>> I wish it would go back to earlier times when neghbors could actually HELP their neighbors, like a visit once in a while..Now who has time ?? Not me and I feel really bad. My rep. has stalled at 54 and it can't climb because I don't have time..which is sad.
ReplyDeleteAgain. Thanks for your Blog, if Frontierville big wigs don't read it, at least "your" fans did and it felt good...
I have already quit playing frontierville and farmville, just got so sick of all the missions and repeats of the same missions,it feels as if a weight has lifted from my shoulders, like u said, it became a chore and not a fun game anymore....so I totally agree with u on ur message....good luck, hope the right people get to read this, maybe i would consider playing again, but for now....I've had enough!
ReplyDeleteWell said Andy! I love the game too, but the repeatable is ridiculous. Don't get me started on Prospect falls, way over the top! If they were introducing a new place why not have everything accumulate like the homestead? Too time consuming to wait, far to much needed to do anything. The bulletin board was a fabulous idea, but at any stage you can have three helps on the go. Would've been better that you could chose to do jobs when you had nothing to do, that way it could've been interesting. Them on top of the endless, mind numbing beg and wait is stupid! I can already see new friends not playing and old friends dropping away too. Again well said :)
ReplyDeleteyou took the words right out of my mouth! Well said!
ReplyDeletethank you for this! AMAZING letter! I was thinking recently I am so done with this game! I hope it makes it to someone at Zynga that gives a care
ReplyDeleteI agree! I am so sick of all the missions that I don't even try to do most of them anymore. I play Farmville as well and it's turning into the same thing over there. I really enjoy the games but am frustrated and probably will be leaving them very soon - it's just too much fristration!!
ReplyDeleteYou said it and said it well. Concise well written and not cranky. It is how we ALL feel. Too much requesting when we have such a facebook set limit. I could handle it if the missions were more me growing and cooking with stuff I can collect or grow. ALL of these requirements of only gifted items is horrendous.
ReplyDeleteI have almost quit several times. I will hang on a while longer looking for some reaction from Zynga.
They either need to houseclean or change prespective. They messed up farmville and I came here thinking they had learned from that ... at first it was ok ...
Thank you thank you Andy. I hope your credibility helps them get the message
I seem to be in the minority here, but I have to say, Andy, that I disagree with your letter. I've thoroughly enjoyed these missions, in spite of the severe repeats, and I'm loving Prospect Falls as well. I LIKE that Zynga is coming up with so many new ideas for missions and story lines, and I say Keep It Up!
ReplyDeleteAmen Andy!! They should let you take the game over.....might be enjoyable if they did!!!
ReplyDeleteBrilliant letter Andy. I am admin for a PT group, no where near as big as your group, but we are finding exactly the same thing. People are overwhelmed with the complexity and repetitive nature of missions in the last six months. Everyone looked forward to Paradise Falls opening and that continued for all of the five minutes it took them to run out of energy, grub, cash. The developers need to realise that if they have a mass exodus of their regular players who spend little on the game, the people who do spend real money will have no one left to interact with and will also make a sharp exit.
ReplyDeleteWoo hoo!! Way to rock it, Andy!! Well said, with gracious expression, and true statements. LOVE IT!!
ReplyDeleteI'm feeling the exact same way. Just too much too fast and too many massive "gimmies" with too many repeats. I've lost a lot of friends from the game recently and with all the glitches, I may be on my way out the door too. I don't want to quit, I enjoy the game, but when it begins to feel more like work, it's time to revisit playing at all.
AND ... thank you for all your help at FE - you really do rock!
Exceptionally well written and so very truthful for almost all of us that are still here from days long ago, when it was FUN to play. Thank you for taking the time and effort to not only compose it, but put it in front of the masses as well as the powers that be (hopefully). Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI completely agree! This is very well written. Maybe you will get their attention if you post it on the forums and start a petition at ipetitions.com.
ReplyDeleteI have pretty much stopped doing the timed missions because I am rarely able to complete them. I've also stopped doing most of the holiday themed missions because who cares if I finally earn Halloween decorations in January? I don't have time to appreciate the items I've earned or do any significant "decorating" of my homestead. Frankly, I'm feeling overwhelmed and burned out. I have to ration my feed gifts for my newbie neighbors because I don't need any nails and I only have a 50 item limit to collect the things that I need. I'm beginning to resent the missions because I know that no matter how many hours I put in to the game I will never be caught up. I am on the verge of quitting because it just isn't fun any more. I signed up for entertainment, not a mind-numbing full-time job.
Andy, I sure hope you have some wonderful trick up your sleeve to get this in front of Zynga programmers. You've hit the proverbial nail on the head, and there are so many of us who love to play, but hate the stress the recent missions have created. We love this game, we enjoy our neighbors, heck we even like most of the story lines. I hope they hear and are big enough to correct their error. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the letter. Hopefully it will do some good. Despite the fact I played since the debut, I've just walked away leaving a lot of Horseshoes behind. Too many missions boggles my mind. The missions take too long to finish. A lot of my neighbors aren't playing anymore. And with the constant glitches and refreshes, it takes too much time to accomplish anything. I have a job and family and can't sit playing a game 24/7. As someone said awhile back, I don't want to do anything in this life over again and again. I like the way the game was prior to opening of the Trail. Now it's over-complicated and aggravating.
ReplyDeleteThanks for writing this, I contacted support to let them know how people felt, sent them conversations between people playing the game and their feelings... In return for sending our complaints I was rewarded things to help with my missions... That was nice of them but not what I was after.. I have been playing this game for almost as long as it has been around and almost everyday I think about giving up on it. I would like to have it back to the way it was when we played because we enjoyed playing...I use to like going in do a mission and be finished I always felt like I got something accomplished when I was done. Now it is a chore and I feel like I am banging my head against a wall. I still play mostly because of my neighbors..
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this wonderful post! This once fun game has become a study in frustration. I play just enough to keep up with my neighbor's requests as I know that is the only way most people have even the slightest hope of completing these many, many frustrating, time consuming and resource devouring missions. I have, sadly, lost all joy in playing. Thank you for speaking for all of us who used to look forward to a new mission but now cringe every time a new one pops up.
ReplyDeleteAs said many, many times before, I completely agree with everything you said. I have hundreds of neighbors and they are all complaining about the endless mission repeats, having to wait many hours to ask for items again, only being able to receive 50 items a day but needing many more, and just generally feeling like the game is not fun anymore and is taking over their lives. At least 6 of my neighbors quit playing the game altogether in the last WEEK, and more were saying today that they are going to cut-back dramatically as it has become a full-time job to keep up. My days playing are numbered as well...getting tired. Really tired. :(
ReplyDeletePerfectly stated, Andy. Thank you. Zynga needs to see your letter along with all of these comments. We are tired of repeating missions and of having so many direct requests. Sometimes, just being able to do a mission on our own (raise a crop, tend an animal, build a building) would be a welcome relief.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
I have been a daily player since the beginning of the game. It use to be fun and rewarding. Now with all the timed and repeated missions it has taken the joy out of it entirely. I belong to two groups and they all feel the same way. Most are dropping out of the games. I have finished the missions I started and as to date I am not doing any further ones until it changes back like it use to be. I don't enjoy playing it 24/7.....spring is here and summer to follow and it will be much more enjoyable to enjoy life (not sitting in front of a pc repeating quest). And constantly being stressed out over this game the way it is now. Get it back to the old Frontierville without no fuss & muss with interaction from friends/neighbors the old way.
ReplyDeleteThank you for expressing our frustrations. Zynga your bread and butter are the players who slog through all these unnecessary and dubious missions. The players who earn a couple of horseshoes through leveling up and possibly buy an animal. Your bread and butter does NOT come from players who use cheats or spend REAL money to do activities and then HOWL they are bored. The tried and true players are never bored because if we finish a mission, we know we have neighbors that need help and we are able to reply to their help posts or gaming posts. I would like to add that you need to INCREASE the requests clicks from 50 to 100 or 150 a day. Facebook does not care how many clicks we have as shown by the 150+ clicks that Farmville gets per day. You remember Farmville don't you? Its your signature game. Increase our ability to move forward with your missions and help our newer neighbors or neighbors that are being abandoned by neighbors who have quit. This is a game, NOT A JOB. I (we the players) are quite capable of directing our own game play. I, for one, would like a mission free period where I could clean my homestead up and grow some crops for the sheer pleasure of it. We, the bread and butter, of your companies games are asking that you take us seriously on this matter. I, no longer DISCOURAGE players from quitting as I barely do the missions now. If they get done, they get done.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is well said!!!!!
ReplyDeleteKUDOS Andy..I couldn't have said it better. You are right on target. I myself have started on a break from FTV. It just got to stressful for me. I an not even sure I will go back ..Its just to much with ALL the missions they have thrown at us along with PF. Thank you for telling it like it is. I just hope the people at Zynga wake up and listen .
ReplyDeleteI say AMEN! Andy you have spoken for the majority of us Frontiersmen for sure and sure hope "Jack" hears you and complies...You rock, Andy!
ReplyDeleteTotally agree...is there a way to forward this will all the comments attached? If so I say go for it....have been thinking of giving up the game myself..your right it isn't fun anymore it is more like a job and I have one of those!
ReplyDeleteThank you Andy... This letter is great. Says everything that all of us so want to say to zynga.
ReplyDeleteWay to go Andy, You said what i would have said only you said it better. And I feel for the Admins of FE because we know you are there to help us with our game problems and I know you guys (and gals) get dumped on and yelled at. Some people dont realize that you are not a part of zynga. And I know I myself have complained some, But I want ALL FRONTIERVILLE EXPRESS ADMINS to know how very much I appreciate all that you do for us, I myself would not be as far in the game if not your all your help and guidance and heads ups. I only wish that zynga would listen. I know several devoted players that have quit the game just this week because it has just to be to much, and I have been debating it myself. Thank you for posting that letter,,,,,, Lisa Jacobs
ReplyDelete100% Agree..
ReplyDeletethank you for say what most of us feel
ReplyDeleteExcellent letter! I really do love this game, but I'm always so busy asking for stuff and trying to find room to plant 50 new trees or place 100 new animals, I just don't have time to get my frontier cleaned up and looking good. It's just a complete mess. I've run out of room to plant. I used to have a lot of fun making it look "cute" but with pages of missions going on and so many of them timed, I just don't have time to have fun any more. I have finally decided to try to be leisurely about it and if I don't finish a mission, then I just don't finish a mission. I STILL have a halloween mission hanging out there that I can't complete. There is just so much frustration involved. I think what drives me the most crazy is that there are so many different places to go (Holiday Hollow, Ghost Town, etc) but we can only ask for items from each neighbor once. So, I run out of people to ask. I suppose I'll have to find more neighbors. I wish we could add neighbors without adding them as friends like on Farmville.
ReplyDeleteI have had enough of all the crafting and what seems like never ending "begging" for supplies. I have for now quit fv its just too much and it's very frustrating not being able to catch up. If the mission load lightens up I will unblock the game and play but until then I will not play.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree! thanks for expressing how we all feel!!
ReplyDeleteI'm very glad you wrote this. I sent them a letter very similar to yours. I forgot what they did for me in return (probably free lunches) but that didn't help me to keep playing. I hope they get your letter & welcome the suggestions. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Andy,you reminded me that we did used to look forward to the new missions. I remember the excitement of seeing others who had it before I did. And now, I get angry and frustrated when a new mission rolls out because they're overly complex, boring, too much begging with a gifting system that is flawed, and not enough time between missions. The Family Reunion mission for me is the straw. That and having to split any gifting requests from my homestead to my new homestead. I hope Zynga will finally see the light instead of thinking they are "invincible".