[Please note: this is an Andy's Imagination post, purely my own thoughts and will likely not appear in game]
Let's be honest, sometimes we get given things that are... just not us.
Argyll socks. A home knitted jumper with something on the front that could either be a rearing horse, a velociraptor or a cast member of Saw V. The Greatest Hits of Barry Manilow played on nose flute and bagpipe.
We smile, we nod and then we send a neutral family member on a mission to secretly find out where they bought it so we can trade it off in the morning.
Well, that's what were finding a lot in the game right now, up to date players who try to help neighbours who are struggling end up with items they don't need, Players who are struggling or trying to complete old missions find themselves getting gifts they can't use until some time in the future.
Here's some Lavender, batteries not included and the stores don't open for a week.
So, what can be done? Step up one of the most maligned characters on the homestead...
Yes, Jacques, dear Jacques. Trading post manager, priest and all round pain in the posterior.
So, my little French Canadian friend, I think it's time for you to work...
Here's the premise, we get a mission thread, could be to do with gifting and trading, might not be but it does involve Jacques.
At the end of that, just as recent mission threads have given us Hank, Ted and Doc having actions, this one will use and abuse Jacques and his trading post. Once the missions are complete, he gains a new menu item "Gift Exchange".
This takes you to his gift exchange screen where the magic happens. With the first option selected, every gift you receive and send back to neighbours works as normal. If a neighbour sends you Baby Carrots and you click to receive and send it back, you get Baby Carrots, and they get Baby Carrots.
But, what if you DON'T want them? Well, then you pick one of the other options on the gift exchange screen. Options that are picked by the game looking through your open missions and seeing what you need. So if you've got a muddy animal on your stead, it'll show Lavender if you've got the recent Companions build stage open that requires a drop from Yellow Essence Labs, they'll be there too.
So, say you want that elusive Lavender you simply tick that option and go collect your gifts from the envelope as usual, everything your neighbours have sent, you send back one of those, as normal.
BUT, then, when you close the envelope, up pops Jacques to tell you everything you accepted has now been exchanged for Lavender!
And because you can switch the system on and off at will as many times as you want if there's stuff in your envelope you DO want, you can set it to Off, and you can even change it during collecting so half your gifts could be Lavender and half could be something else.
Then finally, gifting might become 100% useful for everyone, and not a race to see who can request what they need first...